Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Developmental Profile Essay Sample free essay sample

This paper will summarize the physical changes that happen in kids and the variables. The paper will other than portray the psychological changes that happen in youth. for example, work goals and judgment and explicit representations will be given. The significant mileposts in cultural improvement that take topographic point in youth will be talked about each piece great ; this incorporates peer connections. male/female contrasts. furthermore, family unit impacts. Enthusiastic improvement in youth will be discussed each piece great. This will remember data for self-comprehension/self-idea. enthusiastic knowledge and law. Physical Changes That Occur In Children and Factors In youth the developing of the natural structure begins to decelerate down. regularly kids begin to infer around five lbs in a twelvemonth and they develop around three inches taller in the twelvemonth. Normally their equalization and natural structure position better. a large portion of the clasp young men gauge more than misss do on the grounds that they are made increasingly manly. We will compose a custom paper test on Formative Profile Essay Sample or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The primary adjustment that kids regularly experience from infancy to youth is skeletal modification â€Å"Between ages 2 and 6. around 45 new epiphyses. or then again developing focuses in which cartilage solidifies into bone. rise in arranged pieces of the skeleton. X raies of these developing habitats empower doctors to check children’s skeletal age. or on the other hand progress toward physical maturity† ( Berk. 2010 ) . By the age of three mature ages old to five mature ages old enough children have built up a jargon of 300 to one 1000 words. Typically by the terminal of preschool twelvemonth children begin to lose their darling dentitions. be that as it may, everything relies upon their hereditary sciences. A representation would be if a miss was before a male kid in developing. so the miss would lose their dentitions principal. Qualities impact the children’s developing by ordering the creation of endocrines. The developing endocrine ( GH ) is basic for the advancement of the natural structure tissues with the exception of the genitalias and the sensory system. By age five children typically have great power over a pencil. pastels and scissors. Engine accomplishments like hopping and equilibrating on one pes. Around five to eight mature ages old enough physical developing begins to decelerate down. natural structure extents and engine achievements become more sharpened. Components that impact these adjustments are the condition that they are about. hereditary sciences ( parent’s cistrons ) . Subjective Change in Childhood Youth is non only vital for astounding developing yet close to for mental improvement ( psychological ) . Intellectual capacities include: work excursion. memory. coherent reasoning. what's more, accepting proceeds with all through youth. At age zero to one twelvemonth old enough the outline of information is take a gander at an adult in the face. happen hid object. furthermore, begin natural motions. Regularly around the age of one to two mature ages the child demonstrates the needs and requests. point to natural structure parts. follow straightforward way. â€Å"At age two twelvemonth to three mature ages the child ought to have the option to fit picture to picture. fit shading and basic structures. give age† ( Melroy. 2004 ) . At three to four twelvemonth old enough they can give complete name. work check to three. declaim riming. Four to five mature ages old enough ought to have the option to put antonyms. name shading. work tally to ten. complete five piece mystifiers. Age five to six ought to have the option to work tally to one 100. name Numberss. name structures. give telephone figure. what's more, place some note sounds. On the off chance that would be incomprehensible talking about psychological adjustments and non talk about crafted by analyst Jean Piaget. Jean Piaget hypothesis. which is tied in with using creativity and show moving. I have discovered from my young lady since the beginning she would play act and at an early stage she would isolate material like the miss doll is ( mama ) . male kid doll is ( daddy ) leting them to move things out and use their inventiveness you are permitting the childs to use their intellectual achievements and when they use them their achievements better it is in a general sense the more you utilize this achievement the children achievements will better. Significant Milestones in Social Development

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The effect that war has on soldiers mentality Research Paper

The impact that war has on warriors attitude - Research Paper Example This investigation in this manner endeavors to investigate the impacts that war has on a soldier’s mindset, or what a few researchers allude to as the enthusiastic or mental impacts of war on fighters. Studies did by psychologists’ show that fighters in a perfect world face mental clutters related with wars. In the novel ‘yellow birds’ by Kevin Powers, a story is recounted a multi year old officer who did battle in Iraq and lost a companion ,Murph ,during battle. The fighter portrays his difficulty during the war and its result in his life on now he’s confronted with lawful, enthusiastic and mental fights that he needs to adapt up to everlastingly (Powers 10).Below is a conversation on the different metal issue officers are inclined to, not solely from Powers’ account piece, yet in addition from the voices of different researchers in this field. The encounters in the war zone much of the time after battle leaves fighters with undesirable physical and mental ‘injuries’ that they need to nurture after returning home, or long after the war has finished. The psychological wounds regularly present themselves as dysfunctional behaviors. Martinez et al, (73) specifies the different types of psychological maladjustments that troopers are inclined to. They incorporate; the post awful pressure issue, gloom, nervousness issue, and liquor or substance misuse. The living proof of these is to be found in the lives of enduring war veterans. The post enthusiastic impact of war in them is upsetting and harming, for them as well as their families’ the same. Every one of these psychological issue is examined underneath. One of the fundamental impacts of war on the psychological well-being of officers is the Post-horrendous pressure. It happens after one experiences or witness a dangerous occasion like the scenes in a military battle. Key side effects of this ailment incorporate bad dreams,

Friday, August 21, 2020

When Im Home

When Im Home DID YOU KNOW? The first time I ever went to New York City it was to see Lucy Lawless play Rizzo in a Broadway production of Grease. After 18 hours, 4 major cities, and over 4,000 miles of amazingly exhausting travel, theres nothing like coming home to a pot of boiling beef stew and this sign taped beside the family computer: Sams Mom always goes that extra mile. Today was the only day Ill be in Harrisburg between June 1st and Thanksgiving. I spent most of it watching Food Network and The Jeffersons on TV Land, with and an all-too-brief encounter with my beloved high school friend Shana. I also woke up at 5 AM and watched a tape of Celebrity Duets, which I found basically unwatchable despite the presence of Xena and the fact that I fast-forwarded through everything except the singing and Little Richards commentary. Im really glad that Im not going to have to put this into my Thursday night TV-watching repertoire. How much time does the average MIT student have to watch TV? Throughout my first two years at MIT, I was always able to make time for the American Idol performance shows and The Amazing Race, every week, no matter what I had to do or how much they were on. Last year I stopped watching both shows thanks to the combined efforts of Course X, Rob and Amber, Family Edition, and every Idol finalist except Elliot Yamin. However, I did manage to become hopelessly devoted to weekly downloads of Project Runway, cutting off my contact with all media outlets during its final week so I could watch Chloes victory unspoiled. But this isnt typicalsome people do find time to watch popular weekly programs like Desperate Housewives, Smallville, 24, House, Lost, and Veronica Mars. Rivalry between fans of the last two shows nearly started a war for control of the Conner 2 floor lounge on Wednesday nights at 9 PM, which I have always hoped will resolve itself in some spectacular West Side Story-like fashion. Okay its 5 AM (Sam Standard Time) right now and I need to leave for Boston in less than 12 hours. Smell you later!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

History of the Classic Teddy Bear

Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, is the person responsible for giving the teddy bear his name. On November 14, 1902, Roosevelt was helping settle a border dispute between Mississippi and Louisiana. During his spare time, he attended a bear hunt in Mississippi. During the hunt, Roosevelt came upon a wounded young bear and ordered the mercy killing of the animal. The Washington Post ran an editorial cartoon created by the political cartoonist Clifford K. Berryman that illustrated the event. The cartoon was called Drawing the Line in Mississippi and depicted both state line dispute and the bear hunt. At first, Berryman drew the bear as a fierce animal, the bear had just killed a hunting dog. Later, Berryman redrew the bear to make it a cuddly cub. The cartoon and the story it told became popular and within a year, the cartoon bear became a toy for children called the teddy bear. Who Made the First Toy Bear Called Teddy Bear? Well, there are several stories, but this is the most popular of teddy bear lore. Morris Michtom made the first official toy bear called the teddy bear. Michtom owned a small novelty and candy store in Brooklyn, New York. His wife Rose was making toy bears for sale in their store. Michtom sent Roosevelt a bear and asked permission to use the teddy bear name. Roosevelt said yes. Michtom and a company called Butler Brothers began to mass-produce the teddy bear. Within a year Michtom started his own company called the Ideal Novelty and Toy Company. ï » ¿However, the truth is that no one is sure who made the first teddy bear.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Who Is Mark Twain Essay - 1479 Words

He was a humorist, a rebel and a dreamer. He became the George Washington of American Literature. His name was Mark Twain and he was Americas most famous literary icon, publishing 28 pieces. He was born on Nov. 30, 1835 as Samuel L. Clemens in the little town of Florida, Mo. He was the sixth child of John Marshall and Jane Lampton Clemens (Quirk). As a young child Clemens had poor health and stayed inside most of the time, causing all sorts of mischief. Spending most of his time with his mother he caught her sense of humor. Later in his life Clemens asked his mother about his poor health then saying: â€Å"I suppose that during that whole time you were uneasy about me?† â€Å"Yes, the whole time,† she answered. â€Å"Afraid I wouldn’t live?† â€Å"No,† she†¦show more content†¦He explored sites such as Glasscock’s Island located in the middle of the Mississippi river. Visited McDowell’s Cave, the site that evidently became Jac kson’s Island in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and McDougal’s Cave in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. During the summer, Clemens would visit his uncle’s farm, near Florida, Mo. Here he played adventures with his cousins and attentively listened to stories told by the slave Uncle Daniel (Chicago Tribune) It is said that this is who became the model for Jim in Huckleberry Finn. His adventurous boyhood experiences have inspired stories like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. At the age of 12, Clemens father died, leaving the family impoverished.This was something that would later shape his future career ( At 13, Clemens left school and found a job as a printers apprentice at the Hannibal Western Union.This provided him with a meager ration of food. After two short years, he a got a job at Hannibal Western Union, a small newspaper owned by his brother Orion. There he worked as newspaper as a printer and occasionally a writer editorial assistant. It is said that is was here that young Samuel found his passion for writing. At the age of 18, Clemens left Hannibal and worked as a printer in in various cities,writing a few successful articles. He spent his evenings educating himself in the public library, learning more than what he would at a conventional school.Show MoreRelatedMark Twain s The Celebrated Frog Of Calaveras County1543 Words   |  7 Pages The purpose of this essay is to help explore the history of Mark Twainâ₠¬â„¢s short story â€Å"The Celebrated Frog of Calaveras County†, and how this short story was affected by the current events going on during the late 1800’s, Mark Twain uses of the surrounding around him to help both inspire and craft that into his stories, and lastly how Mark Twain studies and understanding of literary techniques to help form The Celebrated Frog. This essay will look into three different articles thatRead MoreEssay about Mark Twain1654 Words   |  7 PagesMark Twain Mark Twain is believed to be the father of all American literature. Twain was known for writing about issues of his time such as slavery, due to his style of honesty and truth he was known as one of the very first modernist writers. Mark Twain had many inspirations that motivated him to write his novels. The inspirations varied from events that he witnessed and experienced, people he met in his lifetime, other stories he read or heard about, and his environment. The writer knownRead MoreStage Fright By Mark Twain Analysis855 Words   |  4 Pagescompare Mark Twain’s view of himself in â€Å"Stage Fright† with those we know from Suzy Clemens in â€Å"My Papa, Mark Twain†. Is everything we learn about Mark Twain fact, or is some of what we learn opinion? Which of these views most accurately portrays the real Mark Twain? â€Å"Stage Fright† written by Mark Twain and â€Å"My Papa Mark Twain† written by Suzy Clemens,Mark Twain’s daughter provides different perspectives on Mark Twain. In both stories we read about facts and opinions about Mark Twain. Mark TwainsRead MoreThe Private History of a Campaign That Failed: Twains War Diary1467 Words   |  6 Pagesfront. Straightaway half the command was in swimming and the other half fishing,†and so Mark Twain’s short story: The Private History of a Campaign that Failed is summarized—but was Twain swimming or fishing? Published in 1896, Twain’s piece follows a band of youthful Civil War rebels through the eyes of their 24-year-old ‘leader’. Instantly one can distinguish the inadequacies of the â€Å"Marion Rangers† as Twain depicts both their cowardice and inexperienced war tactics. Through a closer examinationRead MoreLife and Works of Mark Twain Essay1634 Words   |  7 Pagesand Works of Mark Twain Introduction Mark Twain is considered as one of the most renowned authors of his time. He attained worldwide success, very early in his professional career. Twain was mostly known for writing realistic novels, in which the language and the mindset of the people reflected the traditions and values of their environment. As he spent ample time near the Mississippi River, the symbolism of the river and its significance is reflected in his books. Overall, Mark Twain was a celebratedRead MoreMark Twain Research Paper900 Words   |  4 PagesName -- Professor Reber English 1113 10 October 2012 Mark Twain Mark Twain was a world renowned novelist and a beloved American Writer. He wrote things about what was happening in the world around him and is also a huge part of American Literature. Although Mark Twain is a famous novelist his home life, background/achievements, and greatest accomplishments are what made him who he is today. Mark Twain was more than the man we all know. For one thing, he was born as Samuel Langhorn ClemensRead MoreMark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn And The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer1654 Words   |  7 Pages​An icon- a person who stands as a symbolic representative, as a mortal embodiment of a widely known field or characteristic- there are icons for nearly every conceivable concept in the known universe. In American literature, Mark Twain claims the title. He is a paragon of the ideals that are ascribed to what a(n) (American) writer should be; his humor, his fluid and flexible writing, his ability to portray emotion and passion via ink on dead slices of trees is a mirror image of the- alleged- freedomRead MoreSamuel Longhorn Clemens, Mark Twain875 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"I am not an American, I am the American† (Duncan and Ward). Quoting his friend Frank Fuller, Twain boldly declares himself the embodiment of American living, and in all honesty, with som e right to do so. Twain was born in 1835 to parents John and Jane Clemens under Halley’s Comet in Florida, Missouri and later moved to Hannibal. He would later die under the same comet 75 years later in 1910. He traveled along the American South and Midwest writing as he went, originally moving west with his brotherRead MoreRacism In Huckleberry Finn Analysis1458 Words   |  6 PagesMark Twain, the author of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, grew up in the antebellum south where blacks were often viewed as nothing more than just ignorant, lazy, pieces of property with no feelings. As Mark Twain grew older, the perception of blacks as ignorant property with no feelings remained the same and even intensified to a certain extent. Surprisingly, around the time The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written, Mark Twain opposed slavery and presumably cringed at the common notionRead MoreHuckleberry Finn and the use of Satire Essay1109 Words   |  5 PagesHuck Finn and the u se of Satire Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been controversial ever since its release in 1884. It has been called everything from the root of modern American literature to a piece of racist trash. Many scholars have argued about Huck Finn being prejudiced. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain uses satire to mock many different aspects of the modern world. Despite the fact that many critics have accused Mark Twain’s novel of promoting racism

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Secrets About Sat Essay Examples Exposed

Secrets About Sat Essay Examples Exposed From the view of a former teenager who did lots of writing development in high school and is presently an expert blogger, here are a few ways that you could help your teenager view writing as a positive experience and enhance their writing skills at precisely the same moment! If it's the very first time you're likely to use our article writing service, you most likely have a great deal of questions. The body of the essay includes facts and experiences associated with current problems. The 2 men spend quiet days with each other, never addressing the matter of war and Tim's imminent draft. It is possible to post your ideas in a variety of ways, on your social network, site, signature, our blog or some other place OUT THERE. The most important point is, you don't need to wait until you find the prompt to come up with an arsenal of sorts of argument-building techniques you may use to back up your points. Pick a prompt at random from above , or select a topic which you think will be hard that you detach from (because you are going to want to write about the subject, as opposed to the argument) set timer to 50 minutes and compose the essay. Keep a watch out for the clock and be sure to leave a few minutes at the end so you can review what you've written. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Sat Essay Examples If you do know the official stipulations, however, don't hesitate to use them! If you've already graduated from college or university and are looking for a great job, you will need to get a persuasive resume to impress your future employer. As a way to make a high reading score, in addition, it is vital that you compose a considerable amount. You have an extremely excellent opportunity of raising your score, which will significantly boost your probability of getting in. The point here is not that there's no wage inequality. You may also use our Chance Estimator tool to find out your probability of getting into your intended schools. If a college has a more specific requirement, it'll be clearly stated on their site, but for a lot of students, two tests in regions of strength will result in the greatest possible application for the broadest selection of colleges. Ok, I Think I Understand Sat Essay Examples, Now Tell Me About Sat Essay Examples! Practice taking notes to receive your note-taking juices flowing. You may even be in a position to read examples from previous students to receive your creative juices flowing. So keep in mind that just because food tastes good does not indicate it's very good for you. Just remember that just because they does not mean it is good for you! The Number One Question You Must As k for Sat Essay Examples The essay must have a prompt so you can see what it requires to adhere to the prompt. There should be a proper sequence for the SAT essay, keep in mind that it should be divided into several paragraphs where each should be structured in accordance with the importance. It gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can read and comprehend a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage. It must be organized into paragraphs. Some schools need an essay, while some don't. To have a good idea of what type of essays you're predicted to write, you should definitely take a look at the scored sample essays on the College Board site. You'll ideally wish to compose two or three practice essays before you sit for the true thing. The majority of the students discover that it's much simpler to compose the principal paragraphs before the introduction. The very last thing you desire is to need to retake the full exam, or, worse yet, not have the ability to apply to a specific college, simply because you took the exam without the essay. Now you have a notion of what the test itself is, let's talk about why you require it. At least one, full-length practice test ought to be taken ahead of the true test date. Other language tests can only be obtained in 1 format or the other. Our five SAT essay help will help you make a great SAT writing score. It is definitely one of the most challenging parts of the test because it demands proficient knowledge of the language, of the discussed topic and possessing outstanding writing skills. The SAT Essay demonstrates how well you realize the passage and utilize it as the foundation for a well-written, thought-out discussion. Writing an SAT essay could possibly be a familiar undertaking for you whether you've learned to write it in school.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Revolutionizing Food Supply Chains

Question: Diacuss about the Revolutionizing Food Supply Chains. Answer: Introduction: The Mckinseys 7S model is an important model for internal analysis of any company. In the given case study, of Sanitarium this model could be used to successfully analyse the internal environment of the organization. In this model, the sever areas of the organization Sanitarium is divided into hard and soft areas. The hard areas are the strategy, structure, systems. The soft areas include style, staff, skills, shared values. Strategy: This refers to the development plan of any organization that is required to achieve competitive advantage among the competitors. The strategy presented by Sanitarium includes use of environment friendly raw materials (Alshaher, 2013). For the chosen company, caring for the environment and the customers are essential strategies. Hence, this strategy is the one that would give a competitive advantage to the company. Sanitarium ensures that Genetically Modified crops are not used. This strategy is an important one and hence retains its customers. Their strategy includes introducing healthy and innovative breakfast foods as well as soy food products. Structure: This represents the business divisions and the various units of the organization. In case of Sanitarium, the various divisions include the sales division, the production and manufacturing unit, as well as organic food unit (Narula, 2017). The customer care of Sanitarium is strong enough and all the queries as well as complaints of the customers are taken care by this department. Along with these units, the food packaging department is also strong enough such that the nutritional values of the packaged food are retained. System: This refers to the procedures that are followed by the organization. The decision making system as well as the management of the company are included in the systems. The main focus of the managers of Sanitarium is use of organic food products and improvement in the lifestyle and food habits of the people of New Zealand (Arvand Baroto, 2016). Skills: Skills are essential factors that distinguish one company from its contemporary companies. The skills of the employees of Sanitarium include efficient customer care, use of organic food products, efficient management. The employees are skilled and ensure that high quality of food is maintained by the production team. Staffs: The quality of staffs plays an important role in determining the quality of the organization. In case of Sanitarium, the employees are efficient and customer friendly (Schubert, William Woelfle 2013). They strive towards excellence and ensure that there is least scope of customer complaints and dissatisfaction. Style: The style includes the way the company is managed by the top-level management. In case of Sanitarium, the top-level managements are efficient enough to guide the employees and introduce a new era in the food industry of New Zealand. Shared values: The shared values are the core values of Sanitarium that distinguishes it from the other companies. The shared values include advertising to children, elimination of the use of genetically modified ingredients. Their shared values include low sodium food. Plant based foods are also promoted by the company. References Alshaher, A. A. F. (2013). The McKinsey 7S model framework for e-learning system readiness assessment.International Journal of Advances in Engineering Technology,6(5), 1948. Arvand, N., Baroto, M. B. (2016). How to implement strategy more effectively.International Journal of Business Performance Management,17(3), 301-320. Narula, S. A. (2017). Revolutionizing Food Supply Chains of Asia through ICTs.Sustainability Challenges in the Agrofood Sector, 212. Schubert, P., Williams, S. P., Woelfle, R. (2013). Sustainable competitive advantage in e-commerce and the role of the enterprise system. InCompetition, Strategy, and Modern Enterprise Information Systems(pp. 303-319). IGI Global.

Friday, April 3, 2020

John Doe And Richard Case Studies free essay sample

Would the slippage of the dead mans skin be due to decomposition of cell junctions or underlying connective tissues? Decomposition of cell junctions. C. Would the bruises on the dead man have formed in the epithelial or in the underlying connective tissues? Explain your answer. Underlying connective tissues because bruises form underneath the skin and epithelial tissues are located on the body surface. D. Why do the cartilaginous structures in the airway make a good handle to grab onto in removing the lungs and heart?So he could tear it to expose the organ. E. As the medical examiner pulls out the thoracic and abdominal organs, the membranes within the body cavity provide little resistance. Why? Because of blood clots. What are these membranes called and what are they made of? A serous membrane and it consists of areola connective tissue covered by emotionless. F. The dead mans body cavities contain clotted blood released when organs ruptured during the plane crash. We will write a custom essay sample on John Doe And Richard Case Studies or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What cells might you expect to find in blood?Platelets, Red Blood Cells (Orbs) and White Blood Cells (Webs) Which component of blood participates in blood clot formation? Platelets G. Dry. Diego was careful to preserve the brain tissue, and didnt dissect and analyze it immediately during his preliminary autopsy. Why is nervous tissue soft and fragile? It doesnt have bones or hard protective proteins covering it like skin does. The cells need to conduct electrical signals and those are done on their cell membranes which are relatively soft and fragile. H.What types of cells would be found in the dead mans brain? Stem Cells. Why didnt the mans brain regenerate new tissue to replace the tissue damaged by the parasites? Because the body responds to the invasion by leaning the tapeworm within a shell of scar tissue that eventually hardens into scarlet nodules. L. How is an understanding of tissues essential to the job performance of a medical professional like Dry. Diego? So you can discover how long a body has been dead, you can also discover mystery cases with dead patients. Chapter 5 Richards Story: A.The doctor describes Richard as having two types of burns, partial thickness and full thickness. Based on what you have learned about the skin, explain why a partial thickness burn is extremely painful and why it would heal faster than a full thickness burn. Because full thickness the epidermis is composed of quarantined stratified exogamous epithelium. Keratinous, the most numerous epidermal cells, are arranged in four or five different layers and produce keratin, a tough, fibrous protein that helps protect the skin and underlying tissues from abrasions, heat, microbes, and chemicals.While in partial thickness corpuscles of touch that are sensitive to touch and/or free nerve endings, which initiate signals that produce sensations of warmth, coolness, pain, tickling and itching. B. Hospital staff members continually administer intravenous fluids, clean his mounds, administer antibiotics, and give him pain medication. Based on these observations, what functions of Richards skin have been compromised? Hair and Skin Glands What other functions of the skin would be of concern to the medical staff?Nails C. Which component of skin is being damaged as Richard picks at his cuticles? The Nail Plate D. Why is it unlikely that Richard will be able to grow hair to cover the scars on his chest? The healing process is more complex than in epider mal wound healing. E. What takes place during the first phase of deep wound healing? An inflammatory phase. Relate this process to what Richard has experienced during the initial stages of his burn healing. The scabs that they scrap off. F.The nurse notes that Richard has granulation tissue forming at the edge of his wounds. Will the formation of granulation tissue lead to normal appearing and normal functioning skin as Richard heals? Explain your answer. Yes, because granulation tissue is the tissue filling the wound. Deep to the epithelial cell bridge, fibroblasts migrate into the wound area and begin synthesizing collagen fibers and globetrotting to become scar tissue, and damaged blood vessels begin to regret.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Relationship between Man and Nature in William Wordsworth’s poems Essay Essay Example

The Relationship between Man and Nature in William Wordsworth’s poems Essay Essay Example The Relationship between Man and Nature in William Wordsworth’s poems Essay Paper The Relationship between Man and Nature in William Wordsworth’s poems Essay Paper Nature has a dominant function in Wordsworth’s poesy particularly in ‘There Was a Boy’ and ‘Composed upon Westminster Bridge’ . because in both there is a connexion between Man and his milieus. Nature. In ‘There Was a Boy’ and ‘Composed upon Westminster Bridge’ Wordsworth expresses his love for nature in inventive and originative manner. for illustration ‘Uplifted. he. as through an instrument. Blew mimic hootings to the soundless owls’ . What Wordsworth was seeking say is that he boy spoke to nature and it responded which solidifies the fact that nature is ever there and nature will neer abandon you. Wordsworth finds out every bit good as establishes in his verse form a passionate. impressive. emotional and religious and relationship between nature and human life. The love of nature leads Wordsworth to the love of adult male which is noticeable in many of his verse form. Wordsworth feels the being of a Godhead s pirit around all objects of nature – in the scene Sun. the unit of ammunition ocean. the life air. the bluish sky etc. Harmonizing to Wordsworth. nature plays the function of giving joy to human bosom. and the mending influence on sorrow filled Black Marias. Wordsworth takes pleasance in garnering with nature. Wordsworth manner of composing makes his work highly graphic in both yours and his imaginativeness. for illustration ‘with all its solemn imagination. its stones. its forests. and that unsure heaven received into the bosom of the steady lake’ . It gives a clear sense of what Wordsworth was seeking to show towards us and to seek to do us clearly see what is in his head. In the verse form ‘Composed upon Westminster Bridge’ . Wordsworth’s sister Dorothy said ‘†¦ we left London on Saturday forenoon at ? past 5 or 6. the 31st July ( I have forgot which ) we mounted the Dover Coach at Charing Cross. It was a beautiful forenoon. The City. St Pauls. with the River A ; a battalion of small Boats. made a most beautiful sight as we crossed Westminster Bridge. The houses were non overhung by their cloud of fume A ; they were spread out infinitely. yet the Sun shone so brilliantly with such a pure visible radiation that there was even something like the pureness of one of nature’s ain expansive Spectacles’ . this was inspiration for this verse form because on a twenty-four hours Wordsworth would hold found himself in a different type of puting. He would hold found London crowded with people and there would hold been an abundant sum of noise. In the verse form he says ‘Open unto the Fieldss. and to the sky ; all bright and glittering in the smokeless air’ . during Wordsworth’s clip it was around the industrial revolution hence doing the early forenoon sky fill with fume from all the machinery at work. Wordsworth uses religious mentions to reflect his religious experiences for illustration. ‘Dear God! The really houses seem asleep ; and all that mighty bosom is lying still! ’ . Wordsworth has th ese minutes he calls ‘spots of time’ which harmonizing to him usually refer to nature. Wordsworth loves this ‘spots of time’ and finds it and of import thing in composing his poesy.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The PPP (Presentation,Practice and Production) approach to language Essay

The PPP (Presentation,Practice and Production) approach to language teaching - Essay Example Semantically, language acquisition is a process through which children, or adults in cases of delayed learning or secondary language acquisition, learn to understand, speak and use words in order to communicate (Behrens, 245, 2008). This skill is an amalgamation of various other capabilities including the understanding of a vast vocabulary, phonetics, and syntax (Goodluck, 87, 1991). The use of language can either be in a form of speech i.e. vocal or in the form of sign i.e. manual. Although other animals also use language to communicate, theirs are fragments of vocabulary, which does not hold syntax and stay uniform amongst all varieties of the group. What has always been the primary focus of the studies conducted on psychology of linguistics is the process through which an infant learns to speak. ... both student and teacher learn collaboratively drawing experiences form each other and using tools like conversations, interviews and other interactive tools. Second is the cooperative learning in which interaction amongst students fosters and language instills itself through the socializing experience. Discovery-based learning lies on constructivist notions and derives its essence from the theories of Piaget and others. In this type of learning, students ask questions and inquire about several aspects of language. Then comes engaged learning in which, as the name predicts, learners engage in the language through using several tools and resources. In problem-based learning method, students learn language in chunks and in a question answer format. Examples of this would be providing scenarios and questions to students and ask them to solve the questions using the target language. Finally, the whole language approach deals with the bigger picture, the pragmatics, and semantics of knowl edge rather than the spellings and grammar. This approach ensures the understanding of the meaning of language rather than the construction of language. The technique of language acquisition under discussion is PPP. The three Ps denote Presentation, Practice, and Presentation and is a common method used for teaching language all across the world. The first P stands for Presentation. Presentation, in this context entails the introduction of the language and the context created for the acquisition to the same. At this stage, the approach is very teacher-centered and learners learn from their flaws through the feedback by their teachers. Tools like pictures, conversation and scenarios are important in assisting the learners and ease them into the language.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

How do unemployment, under-employment and discouraged workers affect Research Paper

How do unemployment, under-employment and discouraged workers affect GDP in an economy - Research Paper Example The second one that is known as underemployment occurs when workers underutilize their skills in their current employment, and the last one takes place when individuals stop finding jobs because they are discouraged with their fruitless effort of finding one (Thompson 78). All these forms of unemployment lower the Gross Domestic of a country. This paper will analyze how unemployment, discouragement, and underemployment lower GDP. First of all, when individuals finish school, they start seeking employment in the labor market. Some become lucky and get jobs while others remain on the search. The state refers to those who fail to get employed at the existing wage rates as the unemployed. These individuals continue depending on their parents for funds that help them to survive and continue with the job search. The unemployed may also depend on their friends who were lucky to get jobs after school. This further increases the dependency ratio in the economy. This means that the individuals, who support the unemployed by giving them funds, reduce the amount of income that they save and invest (Thompson 81). They instead increase the amount of money that they set apart for consumption. The reduction in savings means that these individuals earn less interest than they used to earn before. The reduction in interest rate then means that they earn less income from investment activities and this reduces the overall incom e of a country. The effect of this unemployment is based on Okun’s law that states that a 1% increase in the rate of unemployment leads to a 2% decrease in the GDP (Boyes and Michael 226). The other form of unemployment takes place when workers discontinue their job search because of hopelessness. These individuals lose hope based on the belief that they will never secure a job in the labor market at the existing wage rates. The loss of hope makes these individuals to either continue depending on their relatives and friends or engage in

Monday, January 27, 2020

Malaysia And The Vision 2020 Commerce Essay

Malaysia And The Vision 2020 Commerce Essay Malaysia is one of the earliest countries in the world due to Dr. Mahathir who conceived of Vision 2020 and encouraged all Malaysians to achieve this goal by sharing in this plan. Vision 2020 has come from a personnel vision -Mahathirs vision- and it very quickly became a national Vision due to the excellent communicator of this Vision by the prime minister and his government members. The Vision sets new and higher goals for national aspiration, and this vision contribute dramatically in changing the way Malaysians see themselves and the direction of their shared destiny. No longer are we resigned to the fact that we are a developing country that will, at best, remain second rate. Malaysians are urged by the Prime Minister to strive to be the best and not settle for the second best. There is nothing that we are not capable of doing, if we are prepared to work hard and use our ingenuity and resourcefulness. vision 2020(wawasan 2020): The following text is from the Malaysia vision web site , its explain the vision 2020 presented by Dr Mahathir Mohamed at the Malaysian Business Council. The purpose of this paper is to present before you some thoughts on the future course of our nation and how we should go about to attain our objective of developing Malaysia into an industrialized country. Also outlined are some measures that should be in place in the shorter term so that the foundations can be laid for the long journey towards that ultimate objective. Hopefully the Malaysian who is born today and in the years to come will be the last generation of our citizens who will be living in a country that is called developing. The ultimate objective that we should aim for is a Malaysia that is a fully developed country by the year 2020. What, you might rightly ask, is a fully developed country? Do we want to be like any particular country of the present 19 countries that are generally regarded as developed countries? Do we want to be like the United Kingdom, like Canada, like Holland, like Sweden, like Finland, like Japan? To be sure, each of the 19, out of a world community of more than 160 states, has its strengths. But each also has its fair share of weaknesses. Without being a duplicate of any of them we can still be developed. We should be a developed country in our own mould. Malaysia should not be developed only in the economic sense. It must be a nation that is fully developed along all the dimensions: economically, politically, socially, spiritually, psychologically and culturally. We must be fully developed in terms of national unity and social cohesion, in terms of our economy, in terms of social justice, political stability, system of government, quality of life, social and spiritual values, national pride and confidence. [01] Some policies and strategies of vision 2020 ( wawasan 2020 ): 03-01 the Malaysia economic policy and strategy: This new policy can be considered an add-on document to the NEP; it provides a framework towards Dr. Mahathirs new vision 2020 plan symbolizing the way forward policy towards a developed nation in 2020. This will require the nation to maintain a 7-plus percent growth rates for the next 25 years. Prime Minister Mahathir believes raising workforce quality and developing expertise in sophisticated industries are decisive elements in the countrys road to economic success and development (Brown 1993: 43). In order to facilitate these growth requirements, the NDP has relaxed many of the FDI restrictions imposed by the NEP such as equity and licensing requirements and procedures. The purpose of the Industrial Master Plan which was formulated by the United Nations Industrial.[ 02 ] Malaysia economic policy focuses on some fields to achieve its purposes : Export Facilitation. Import Substitution. Tariff Structure, Strategic Exposure. 03-01-01 Export Facilitation: The economic rationale of Malaysia to promote exports provides the nation with three important advantages. First, it generates foreign-exchange that can reduce the amount of foreign debt needed to fund development. Second, it contributes to developing a competitive industry infrastructure from learning from investors- a move that brings technological excellence leading to higher value-added exports. By the promotion of specific industries, such as the semi-conductor industry, has speeded technology acquisition and enhanced the nations competitive Worldwide positioning. Finally, FDI provides employment in the industry sector, which to a large extent is attracted from the agricultural sector. [ 02 ] 03-01-02 Tariff Structure: As a link to the policy of maintaining a stable economy with past budget strategies of controlling inflation, there have been major reductions and abolition of import duties on goods and services. The 1995 budget proposes a reduction of tariffs imposed on over 2,600 items of which a majority is food items (Budget 1995: 22). Also, tariffs on building materials and household appliances have been reduced. These measures will not only control inflation, but also enhance the quality of life and favor the overall climate for investments. However, Ad Valorem taxes are imposed on imported goods and services (refer to Appendix 4) [ 02 ]. 03-01-03 Import Substitution: Economic development in Malaysia was first built on the basis of Import Substitution, indicated by the large shift of GNP distribution from agricultural sectors to manufacturing sectors. Import substitution has increased in mainly three areas, transport equipment, Industrial chemicals and fertilizers and in Industrial machinery (Onn 1988: 28). However, exports constitute the main source of growth in the manufacturing sector from 1970-1990 (refer to appendix 6). This trend can be explained by economic policy that places great emphasis on improving industrial competitiveness as a vehicle towards vision 2020. [ 02 ] 03-01-04 Strategic Exposure Strategic exposure represents a crucial component in Strategic Trade Theory. The rationale behind lowering barriers to trade and exposing local industry to foreign competition is to create a more competitive domestic industry (Hamilton 1989: 4). Such a Level Playing Field policy will force local firms to increase their competitiveness to survive. Strategic exposure represents a direct link to becoming an industrialized nation by 2020 and the realization of economic goals. Incorporating FDI as a strategic measure to enhance technological know-how can reduce domestic learning and experience curves in selected industries. By giving foreign investors considerable tax deductible incentives in areas such as training of local employees, research and development and in promotion of exports Malaysia has been able to increase World wide competitiveness as demonstrated by increasing exports and GDP (Carrol, Errion 1991: 21). Malaysia aims for the year 2000 to have at least 1.6% of GDP spent on RD and is predicting that at least 40% will come from the private sector[ 02 ] Higher educations policy and strategy : 03-02-01 Universities In Malaysia, with the cooperation of the local universities formulate and create action plans for reforming engineering education in preparation for the professional expectations of the future. As a result, the universities are urged to act and play a leadership role in improving the engineering education. Interaction with local and overseas industries should also be increased. This will facilitate more realistic and relevant joint projects for students and industry professionals. Through this interaction, universities will face a variety of real-world multi-disciplinary problems that are similar to the business operational problems locally and internationally. These problems can be used as test cases for solution approaches. Engineering students could form interdisciplinary collaborative teams to develop effective solutions to such problems. As a result, the desired attributes for the future engineers, for example, the ability to function on multidisciplinary team, the ability to identify and solve engineering problems, the ability to understand the professional and ethical responsibility and the ability to communicate effectively can be achieved. [03]. Infrastructure and Facilities Universities need to establish consensus on relevancy of a set of a new fundamental for engineering education. This may include information technology, bio-engineering, nano-skill-technologies, skills and understanding necessary for effectively leading multidisciplinary-teams, the challenges of framing and addressing large-scale system-of-systems problems, sustainability, lifecycle management of systems, risk-based asset management, and the need of lifelong learning, globalization, demographic realities and need for diversity [ 03 ]. Academician The pedagogy of engineering education must be changed. According to Felder many students in the United States fail to excel with only the support of traditional method used in teaching engineering. Engineering students prefer active teaching method .Therefore; the traditional teaching engineering model must be changed to a new teaching model in line with the engineers of the 21st century. The future engineering education program should include the use of ICT (Information Communication Technology). This idea suggested by many undergraduate engineering students. The ICT genre involves the use of all tools in the forms of software, on-line program and resources to create new and improved conditions for learning, for example the use of e-learning, email, word processor, and web resources (both static information and dynamic interactive information) [03]. Using ICT in Education The concept of ICT in education, as seen by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia, includes systems that enable information gathering, management, manipulation, access, and communication in various forms. The Ministry has formulated three main policies for ICT in education. The first policy is that of ICT for all students, meaning that ICT is used as an enabler to reduce the digital gap between the schools. The second policy emphasizes the role and function of ICT in education as a teaching and learning tool, as part of a subject, and as a subject by itself. Apart from radio and television as a teaching and learning tool, this policy stresses the use of the computer for accessing information, communication, and as a productivity tool. ICT as part of a subject refers to the use of software in subjects such as Invention and Engineering Drawing. ICT as a subject refers to the introduction of subjects such as Information Technology and Computerization. The third policy emphasizes using ICT to increase productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of the management system. ICT will be extensively used to automate and mechanize work processes such as the processing of official forms, timetable generation, management of information systems, lesson planning, financial management, and the maintenance of inventories. [ 04 ] health policy and strategy: The MOHs vision for the future and the strategic objectives are based on its corporate values that incorporate professionalism, teamwork and caring. 03-03-01 Strategic Goals Prevent and reduce the burden of disease Enhance the healthcare delivery system Optimize resources Improve research and development Manage crisis and disasters effectively Strengthen the health information management system 03-03-02 Strategies Improve governance, and adoption of appropriate technology and service Practices to empower individuals, families and communities towards attaining lifelong wellness. Develop skills and competencies to further reduce mortality and morbidity rates in furtherance of strengthening the quality of healthcare delivery. Establish effective business strategies to enhance organizational Performance and the consumption of resources. Increase the use of evidence through research to support all levels of decision making. Elevate the level of preparedness in managing disasters and health-related crises effectively. Upgrade the standards of information and communication technology as well as health informatics to maintain sound health information Management [05]. Biological diversity policy and strategy: 03-04-01 Principles: The vision 2020 (wawasan2020) in biological diversity based on the following principles: The conservation ethic, including the inherent right to existence of all living forms, is deeply rooted in the religious and cultural values of all Malaysians Biological diversity is a national heritage and it must be sustainably managed and wisely utilized today and conserved for future generations; Biological resources are natural capital and their conservation is an investment that will yield benefits locally, nationally and globally for the present and future; The benefits from sustainable management of biological diversity will accrue, directly or indirectly, to every sector of society; The sustainable management of biological diversity is the responsibility of all sectors of society; It is the duty of Government to formulate and implement the policy framework for sustainable management and utilization of biological diversity in close cooperation with scientists, the business community and the public; The role of local communities in the conservation, management and utilization of biological diversity must be recognized and their rightful share of benefits should be ensured; Issues in biological diversity transcend national boundaries and Malaysia must continue to exercise a proactive and constructive role in international activities; The interdependence of nations on biological diversity and in the utilization of its components for the well-being of mankind is recognized. International cooperation and collaboration is vital for fair and equitable sharing of biological resources, as well as access to and transfer of relevant technology; Public awareness and education is essential for ensuring the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable utilization of its components; in the utilization of biological diversity, including the development of biotechnology, the principles and practice of biosafety should be adhered to [06]. 03-04-02 Objectives To optimize economic benefits from sustainable utilization of the components of biological diversity To ensure long-term food security for the nation To maintain and improve environmental stability for proper functioning of ecological systems To ensure preservation of the unique biological heritage of the nation for the benefit of present and future generations; To enhance scientific and technological knowledge, and educational, social, cultural and aesthetic values of biological diversity; To emphasize biosafety considerations in the development and application of biotechnology;[06] Challenges of establishing vision 2020(wawasan 2020): The first of these is the challenges of establishing a united Malaysian nation with a sense of common and shared destiny. The second is the challenge of creating a psychologically liberated, secure, and developed Malaysian Society with faith and confidence in itself, justifiably proud of what it is, of what it has accomplished, robust enough to face all manner of adversity. The third challenge we have always faced is that of fostering and developing a mature democratic society, practicing a form of mature consensual, community-oriented Malaysian democracy that can be a model for many developing countries. The fourth is the challenge of establishing a fully moral and ethical society, whose citizens are strong in religious and spiritual values and imbued with the highest of ethical standards. The fifth challenge that we have always faced is the challenge of establishing a matured, liberal and tolerant society in which Malaysians of all colors and creeds are free to practice and profess their customs, cultures and religious beliefs and yet feeling that they belong to one nation. The sixth is the challenge of establishing a scientific and progressive society, a society that is innovative and forward-looking, and one that is not only a consumer of technology but also a contributor to the scientific and technological civilization of the future. The seventh challenge is the challenge of establishing a fully caring society and a caring culture, a social system in which society will come before self, in which the welfare of the people will revolve not around the state or the individual but around a strong and resilient family system. The eighth is the challenge of ensuring an economically just society. This is a society in which there is a fair and equitable distribution of the wealth of the nation, in which there is full partnership in economic progress. Such a society cannot be in place so long as there is the identification of race with economic function, and the identification of economic backwardness with race. The ninth challenge is the challenge of establishing a prosperous society, with an economy that is fully competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient. [ 07 ] Discussion Is Malaysia on track to 2020? This is the most important question every time the issue of Malaysia 2020 has been raised. And it is important to measure and evaluate the strategies and policies to keep Malaysia on track to 2020; Siddiquee (2006) [08] indicated that the recent reforms represent Malaysias attempt to remain relevant and competitive in a rapidly changing local and global environment. It is clear that the changes are largely consistent with NPM (National Public Management) principles and they are not only geared towards enhancing efficiency and institutional capacity of the governmental machinery, they also seek to transform it into a dynamic, market-driven and customer-oriented administration. It is true that Malaysia is ahead of other developing countries in terms of ICT infrastructure and its usage, however, there is a long way to go before Malaysia can catch up with other regional leaders like Singapore and South Korea. Presently, not only the number and types of services offered through such channels are limited but also the public access to such services is inadequate. On the one hand, the public awareness about such facilities is relatively low; on the other hand, pilot projects being carried out have exposed a variety of challenges Therefore, the reforms, although generally seen as steps in the right direction, have not brought about dramatic improvements in the public sector. An analysis of the public sector competence of 12 Asian countries from 1999 to 2001/2002 by the Global Competitiveness Report shows that Malaysias ranking has dropped from 46 in 1999 to 65 in 2001/2002. Malaysia has fared poorly compared with neighboring Singapore, which has ranked first for three consecutive years. Measured on a 0-7 scale (where 0 means least competent and 7 means the most competent), Malaysias scores are 2.24, 2.50 and 2.10 against Singapores 4.52, 4.4 and 4.7 during the same period. What is even more surprising is that Malaysias 2001/2002 ranking is below that of Thailand (44), Indonesia (48), and the Philippines (58). The Malaysian experience shows that there is hardly any quick fix to the problems of the public sector and that there is a long way to go before the goals envisioned are realized. Malaysia has, despite its efforts to develop ICT especially in the Multi Media Super Corridor, receded from place 25 (in 1997) on a relative competitiveness scale of infrastructure development to place 38 (out of 49 countries in 2001). Malaysia still implement new ways to achieve its goal The government have started implementing several initiatives to facilitate the smooth development of knowledge economy, particularly in the areas of science and technology (ST), research and development, info structure and financing. Examples of some of these initiatives include the launching of the National IT Agenda (NITA) and the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC). These initiatives is to position itself in the global-map of knowledge-based economies and to undertake measures in ensuring that equitable access is targeted to all segments of Malaysia society. As a whole, k-economy provides the means to maintain sustainable rapid economic growth and competitiveness in the medium and long term. As mentioned earlier, the private sector will continue to become the engine of growth in k-economy with support from the public sector. At the same time, the objective of social and economic equity will still be a critical element in this new s tage of economic development but with the added responsibility of narrowing the knowledge gap among various groups, between urban and rural communities and across the regions. Hence, having the national policies and plans in place to drive human resources, private and public sector to achieve k-economy, who is responsible for coordinating and administration of the plans, policies and strategies implemented (Abdullah, Rose Kumar (2007))[09]. conclusion Despite Malaysia have achieved many goals from 1981 till now, there are many difficulties that encounter Malaysia for achieving visions 2020 and there are a lot of problems have to be solved such as the following problems: The big gap between Malay and Chinese and Indian citizens between each others whether in communication, dealing, relationships. The non-stabilization in the leaderships of Malaysia government since 2000. Inefficiency to build a new generation to adopt vision 2020 completely. Weakness of awareness of Malaysians society to implement vision 2020. Focusing on development of the big cities like KL, PENANG and disregard the other villages.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Issue of Race in Othello Essay -- Othello essays

The Issue of Race in Othello    In his production of Othello for BBC television (1981), Jonathan Miller asserted that Othello's race does not greatly impact his downfall in the play.   He maintains that while Shakespeare touches upon the issue of race, the cause of Othello's demise lies elsewhere.1   However, the implications of race in the play directly lead to its tragic ending; it is this issue that impels the characters to set the tragedy in motion.   Brabantio would never revolt against the union of Othello and Desdemona if it were not for Othello's blackness.   Roderigo could never be motivated to pursue Desdemona were it not for his belief that their relationship is unnatural.   By far the most significant racism is Othello's own, racism that Iago brings to the surface by playing upon Othello's racial insecurities.   Finally, it is racism that serves as Iago's primary cause in his destruction of Othello.   Brabantio is very selective about suitors for Desdemona, as is evident from his vocal condemnation of Roderigo.   After learning it is Roderigo lurking about his window, Brabantio tells him, "The worser welcome! / ... In honest plainness thou hast heard me say / My daughter is not for thee" (1.1.92-95).2   Although Roderigo is a wealthy native Venetian, in Brabantio's eyes he is not worthy of Desdemona.   Despite these strict standards, it would seem that Othello could win Brabantio's approval; he holds a lucrative and prestigious position as the general of the army, he is born of a noble background, and he has the respect of the State.   In addition, Brabantio has an affinity for Othello, as he explains, "[he] loved [Othello]; oft invited [him]; / Still questioned [him] the story of [his] life" (1.3.128-29).   There is no ... ...his possibility and fights it.   Through resisting the stereotypes, as opposed to acknowledging and accepting that they exist, Othello increases his internal conflict.   Had he the necessary strength and faith in himself, the conflict could not have arisen; for when there is no resistance, the struggle ceases.   Rather than label Othello as a racist or anti-racist play, it is more significant to see how, from a racial standpoint, the tragedy demonstrates the explosive effects that racial dissonance can produce when combined with other personal insecurities.    Notes 1.   Jonathan Miller, television interview, BBC, 1981.   Quoted by Sylvan Barnet, "Othello on Stage and Screen," in Alvin Kernan, ed., Othello, Signet Classic Edition (New York: Penguin, 1998): 230.   2.   All references to Othello are from the Signet Classic Edition (New York: Penguin, 1998).

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Future Research into Auditory Spatial Attention Essay

An interesting observation made in this research was that there was an overall faster response time rates when an informative cue was presented spatially. Several cues were used in the experiment, both uninformative and informative, both pure sound and speech. The cues were given in conjunction with spatial and non-spatial orientations. But given the various cues, it was found that the response rates were faster as compared to the rates recoded by Spence and Driver (1994). The scope of the current research was not intended to explore this possibility; hence no statistical analysis was able to be performed on the data obtained. But further investigation of the said effect should be considered. Generally each experiment was analyzed individually with not all subjects completing the three experiments relating to this observed effect (experiments 3, 4 & 5). Furthermore, the subjects that had completed these three experiments did so in the same order, therefore opening up the possibility that the faster response times observed in experiment 5 may be due to practice effects. Despite these concerns, further investigation into the possible existence of this effect could be vital in a practical sense with relation to the design of auditory attention grabbing stimuli. The use of auditory stimuli as attention grabbing devices for use in reducing operator response times to critical stimuli can be designed in such a way that the combination of both auditory and visual information can be helpful in reducing operator workload. A number of studies have demonstrated that the addition of auditory information to an already attentionally overloaded visual workspace does not add to the overall workload. Recently Duncan, Martens & Ward (1997) found evidence of restricted attentional capacity within but not between sensory modalities. They presented streams of visual and/or auditory inputs, containing occasional targets to be identified and recalled. For two visual or two auditory streams they found that the identification of one target produce a sustained reduction in the ability to identify a second target. In contrast, when the streams were from both modalities, there was no such reduction in the identification of the second target. The results suggest a modality-specific restriction to concurrent attention and awareness. Flanagan, McAnally, Martin, Meehan & Oldfield (1998) found that with the use of spatially informative auditory information, visual search times were reduced. They used a spatial localisation task in which the search for a visual target was aided by either a visual arrow or an auditory cue. They found that both the visual and auditory cues aided in significantly reducing the search time when compared to an unaided search. With evidence suggesting that attentional capacity is modality-specific (Duncan, Martens & Ward, 1997) and that auditory cues can help with a visual spatial localisation task (Flanagan, McAnally, Martin, Meehan & Oldfield, 1998), the nature of the links between auditory and visual streams in spatial attention is of great importance. Moreover, a study by Spence and Driver (1996, 1997) had a subject stare at a fixed point at the center of a screen where lights were placed on the four corners of the screen. At the back of each light was a speaker, the task of the subject was to discriminate whether light or sound came from the upper and lower corners of the screen. They found that when a non-predictive visual cue was presented on one side an auditory target on the same location was processed faster and more accurately. In summary, our results indicate support for the claims of Spence and Driver and at the same time established the usefulness of using virtual 3-dimensional sound to measure auditory attention. Spatial advantage was found for non-informative cued areas in experiment 1 and 2 but for the shortest SOA of 200ms only which was also found by Spence and Driver in their experiments. Furthermore, spatial advantage was also found for informative cued areas for experiment 3, 4 and 5 wherein significant response time advantage was found in all SOA conditions (200ms, 500ms & 1100ms) for experiment 3 and 5 while the results obtained for experiment 4 found a significant response time advantage for valid cues only at the middle SOA condition (500ms). In experiment 3 response time advantage was found at all SOA levels for valid cues, while in experiment four wherein spatial informative cues were removed, response tine advantage for valid cues were only for the middle SOA conditions (500ms) and the introduction of spatially informative speech cues in experiment 5 found higher response time for all valid cues for all SOA levels.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Revision Checklist for Igcse Biology - 6564 Words

Revision Checklist for IGCSE Biology 0610 Guide for Students REVISION CHECKLIST for IGCSE Biology 0610 A guide for students How to use this guide The guide describes what you need to know about your IGSCE Biology examination. It can be used to help you to plan your revision programme for the theory examinations and will explain what the examiners are looking for in the answers you write. It can also be used to help you revise by using the tick boxes in Section 3, ‘What you need to know?’, to check what you know and which topic areas of Biology you have covered. The guide contains the following sections: Section 1 - How will you be tested? This section will give you information about the different types of theory and practical†¦show more content†¦You will be assessed on 4 skill areas. You need to produce 2 pieces of work for each skill area. You do a practical exam, which is supervised by a teacher. There are usually 2 questions testing 4 skill areas. You answer a written paper about practical work. There are usually 6 q uestions, which test the same skill areas as Paper 5. If you are unsure of Paper 5 (practical test) Paper (alternative practical) 6 to 1  ¼ hours marks) (40 1 hour (60 marks) Here is some more detail about each of the practical Papers. anything, ask your teacher. 1.3.1 Paper 4 (Coursework) You will carry out several experiments throughout your Biology course, which will be marked by your teacher. Your teacher will mark you on four different skill areas (Using apparatus, Observing, Handling results, Planning and Evaluating.) What you have to do to get a basic (B), medium (M) or high (H) mark is shown below. The differences between basic, medium and high marks are shown below in italics and underlined. Skill C1: Using apparatus You follow written instructions to set up and use apparatus correctly. You carry out your work safely. B: You follow instructions correctly to do a single practical operation e.g. testing a sample of Food to find out if it contains starch. You use familiar apparatus with a little help on points of safety. M: You follow instructions correctly to do a series of step-by-step